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Monica is graduating as a Psychologist!

July 2022

Monica recently successfully completed her Psychology degree, quite an achievement for a woman in Africa. She shared her experience with us. A beautiful and inspiring story!

Dear Maria,

Thank you very much for your words of encouragement and that of the board members of HOGH Netherlands. I just want to give you a short story of how it started. 

I always had a dream of me sitting on a desk in a classroom and I use to tell my late husband and family about it,  over the years it was the same dream and I said to myself one day I will go back to school, and I will ask myself will it be possible at my age?  I said to myself yes everything is possible if I can put effort in it.

January 2018 Rebekka came to me at the soupkitchen and said the registration is open for children that want to enroll for tertiary education why can't we try, I didn't hesitate because I felt that my dream had come true. One thing that I like about the two of us is before we make any decisions we pray about what we want to do ,  I told my children about my decision of going back to school, for them it was like a joke they couldn't believe but I had to prove to them that I was serious. 

Time flies and here am I by the Grace of God my dream came true, I know sometimes it was not easy going to work and from work straight to the classes there was a time that I felt I was neglecting my children and grandchildren but I will always tell them that I was doing it for US. When I use the term US it's because I am not only a mother or grandmother to my children but to all the children of HOGH and I have to look into their needs and well being in a different way that is why I have chosen Psychology to know and understand this children better. Though it's something that I'm born with 

Therefore I would like to thank the people that played a big role towards my journey through education. First I would like to thank God the almighty for giving me the strength to go through. Maria van der Wal as my mentor,  she was always always there for me at times I felt like giving up but with you sweet voice you will tell me to hold on, even financially you contributed towards my education. My children for being there for me and understanding what I went through 

Nguvi for helping out with assignments 

Last but not least ;
Francesca and Uwe, Andy, Barbara, Frieda, Hannah, Caroline, Karin and Dominik, Thomas, Maria and the entire board of HOGH Netherlands.

Thanks from the bottom of my Heart,  

Monica Imanga